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April 15, 2021 1 min read

We’re giddy with excitement to announce our latest collaboration, an edible foray from our friends the Three Blue Ducks - the Sour Plum, Coconut & Macadamia Granola. This gluten-free granola, tinged with a distinctly violet hue is a celebration of local tastes and local talent in one tangy mouthful.

Local legend Davidson Plum is our star ingredient for this Northern Rivers flavour sensation, making an appearance as chewy dehydrated plums reminiscent of wine gums. Throw in coconut toasted in beetroot, chunks of Northern Rivers macadamia, and a scattering of Davidson Plum powders, and you have one subtly sour granola that’s memorable for all the right reasons.

“Working with Darren is always easy,” says Sal. “He’s just so passionate about local produce. As soon as we started talking about a collaboration he went foraging with his son to try and find some inspiration (and some ingredients). He wanted the flavour to be both savoury and sour - and we’ve never done that before!”

Imagine a flavour that’s sweet from the coconut and honey, nutty from the macadamias, and slightly spiced with little punches of dried sour plum throughout,” says Darren Robertson of Three Blue Ducks. 

“The season just ended so we use them dried, layered with a powdered version which tastes like plum sherbet!” You can grab a bowl topped with rhubarb, berries, coconut yoghurt and even more Davidson Plum for good measure from Three Blue Ducks at The Farm in Byron Bay, or via our online store.