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February 19, 2020 2 min read

It's been an extraordinary summer, with wild weather patterns taking us from fires to floods in just a morning!

As we emerge the other side and rejoice at the return of our summer sunshine ☀️, we thought we'd share a summer breakfast recipe so quick and easy that all you'll have to worry about is where to go and eat it while you enjoy the last few weeks of summer. 

Beach-friendly bircher breakfast

This is one of my favourite lazy breakfasts. You can pop all the ingredients into jars the night before and let the magic happen overnight so they're breakfast-picnic ready in the morning!  I use a base of either our raw Dried Granny Smith Green Apple Muesli for some fruity-tang, or our Coconut Porridge Roasted in Maple Syrup for something a little sweeter. Yes, cold porridge doubles as bircher muesli!

For this recipe, I've used our Apple Muesli but it can easily swap out for the Coconut Porridge. I usually use up-cycled jars (roughly around 400g jars) or keep cups if we're adventuring outside for breakfast, but you can also do this in a bowl and cover it overnight if you're planning to eat it at home. 

Simply combine:

1) 1/2 cup of Apple Muesli

2) 1/2 cup of milk of your choice

3) 1/4-1/2 yoghurt of your choice 

4) If you like your bircher thick and puddingy, add 2 tsp chia seeds

Mix well, cover, and pop into the fridge overnight et voilà!

Our Apple Muesli already has apple, almonds, raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla to pack it full of flavour, but you can also get creative and add in any extra pantry items or fruit that catch your eye...pepitas, sunflower seeds, frozen berries, the options are endless! 


Sal xx