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April 07, 2019 1 min read

Macadamia integrifolia
100% pure cold pressed
origin: Kingaroy, QLD

heart of oily gold: Macadamia Nuts are 75% Oil, and that oil has the highest percentage of monounsaturates of any oil. Such high achievers!

Good Fat/Bad Fat: trans-fats are common in other mueslis and they’re known to mess with critical body processes (jerks).
That’s exactly why we use high-quality Cold Pressed 100% Macadamia Nut Oil, it’s not a trans fat, and it has a wonderfully smooth buttery taste, yay.

heart your heart: Macadamia Oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which is considered to be the healthiest fat – especially beneficial to heart health and good for healthy cholesterol levels. Heart your heart at all ages, protect it from bad boys and bad fats.